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Probate Law

Professional Probate Attorney - Lawyer, providing experienced Probate legal services in Lakeland, Winter Haven, Bartow, and Polk County Florida.

Probate is the process by which legal title of property and assets are transferred from the decedent's estate to his/her beneficiaries. When an estate enters into probate, in the event of ones passing, the courts will review of all estate documents to determine if all documents are in order.

The court will provide a specific period of time to allow challenges of the estate documents by family members, or others directly affected by a "will" or other estate documents. If there are no challenges, or the specified time to contest passes, your estate may clear the probate process in a timely manner.

In the State of Florida, an individual who chooses to contest a Will typically has 90 days after the Notice of Administration has been provided by the Personal Representative, or 20 days in the event that Formal Notice of the probate proceeding is received before the will has been admitted to probate.

Joseph A. Morrison, an experienced probate attorney & lawyer, assists Lakeland, Winter Haven, Bartow, and Polk County Florida residents with legal issues and disputes regarding probate, probate litigation and other estate law matters.

We are committed to providing each of our estate law and probate clients with the highest standard of legal representation while using every available resource to protect your legal rights, options, and interests. Contact The Law Office of Joseph A. Morrison to schedule a confidential legal consultation.

If a will or other estate documents do not exist, the chance that your estate will be contested in probate litigation is dramatically increased. Therefore, having the appropriate estate documents in order is essential in providing the best opportunity for a smooth and successful probate process for your family land loved ones.

It is important to note that creditors may have the ability to contest the estate during the probate process, and sometimes may chose to wait until the estate and assets have been transferred to your loved ones to collect debt from them directly.

The probate process can be extremely complicated, especially if the last will and testament or any other estate documents are challenged, sending the probate into litigation.

In the event of an estate entering into the probate process, or the estate is being disputed through probate litigation in Lakeland, Winter Haven, Bartow, and the Polk County Florida area, make sure your legal rights are protected by seeking the legal advice of an experienced Lakeland probate attorney & lawyer by contacting The Law Office of Joseph A. Morrison.

It is important to note, when an estate is being disputed in probate litigation, the longer one waits to obtain legal representation regarding probate, probate litigation, or other estate law issues or disputes, your ability to achieve a successful outcome may be directly affected. We urge you to be proactive when it comes to your legal rights by seeking the legal advice and representation of an experienced probate attorney or lawyer as soon as possible. Contact The Law Office of Joseph A. Morrison.


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